Student learning related to the Living Skills expectations takes place in the context of learning related to the Active Living, Movement Competence, and Healthy Living strands, and should be assessed and evaluated within these contexts. is a Canadian charity that works in partnership with young people, especially those who have been historically excluded from the mental health space, to build communities and systems that support youth mental health.
A library of free resources designed to help high school teachers bring mental health promotion education to the classroom.
Made possible by:
*The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The Educator Hub is a vetted collection of resources that bring’s mental health promotion programming into the classroom. The Hub provides activities, lessons, and a unit plan that align with curriculum guidelines to support educators in meeting the mental health needs of their students.
All activities, lessons, and unit plans align with curriculum guidelines so that educators can easily find resources that suit their classroom needs and get more time back to focus on what matters most: their students.
Safer & Youth Friendly Learning
Every resource is designed with young people and for young people. Their experiences, concerns, and strengths are addressed with engaging, informative material that’s designed with safety in mind.
Flexible Resources
Educators know their classrooms best. The edHUB provides a range of activities, lessons, and unit plans that give educators the flexibility to choose the right resources for their students.
What makes the edHUB right for educators?
What makes the edHUB right for educators?
Making mental health education possible. is grateful for the many incredible organizations that are making mental health education and resources for young people possible. If you'd like to apply to partner with us, let us know by filling out the form below.’s goal is to build a world where young people are mentally healthy, and where distress becomes a thing of the past. Through its programs, young people gain access to the knowledge, skills, and platform they need to build their mental health literacy, support their peers, build networks of belonging, and influence systems that are meant to support their wellbeing.
Navigating the edHUB is simple, and there are multiple ways to browse and find resources.
1. Use the Quick Filters menu in the navigation to quickly see a pre-filtered list of resources. Helpful filters like resource type, topic, time to complete, and media formats are there to help you find what you're looking for quickly.
2. Use the Search function in the navigation to quickly search for Unit Plans, Lesson Plans, Activities, and Guides.
3. Use the Dropdown menus in the navigation to jump straight to a pre-filtered list of resources by type, browse the full Resource library, or find our Before You Teach Guides.
4. On the Resources page, use the full Resource Browser filters on the left to easily find your Resource.
How do I find the Resources Browser?
The quickest way to find the Resource Browser is click "All Resources" in the Resources navigation drop-down menu.
How do I filter and sort through the classroom resources?
On the Resource Browser, simply find and click a filter option in the Filters panel to see all the resources that fit that criteria. You can also use the search bar to do this.
To sort your resource results, simply click "Sort by" and choose an option.
How do I give feedback on the edHUB or on a particular resource?
To leave us feedback, visit the Feedback page or find the "Give Feedback" button located near the bottom of the page on each resource:
Once there, fill out the form to let us know what you think!
Tip: If you're giving feedback on a specific resource, be sure to select which one in the dropdown!
What web browsers are supported by this website?
This edHUB is built for modern browsers!
All major browsers are supported including but not limited to all recent versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, and Opera.
*Internet Explorer has been discontinued by Microsoft, and is therefore not officially supported
Can I access resources offline?
Currently, the edHUB is an online-only resource that requires an internet connection to browse. However, you are free and invited to download needed resources for offline use from the individual resource pages!
Is this website compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies?
Yes, this website is accessible according to AODA and ADA standards. We seek to provide a digital experience that is accessible to everyone. If you find something that appears to fail to meet accessibility standards, please let us know by leaving us feedback.
How do I report a bug or problem with the website?
To report and issue, simply visit our Feedback page and let us know!
Currently the edHUB is available only through modern browsers. However, this website is 100% mobile optimized, so you can get the same experience from your mobile device as you would from a laptop.
Quick Tips
How to use the edHUB
Answers to common questions about navigating and using the edHUB.
This is not a site for personal disclosure of mental health distress, suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call a helpline, 9-1-1 or emergency services, or go to your nearest emergency department.
If someone’s thoughts or behaviours threaten the safety of themselves or others, then this is what’s called a mental health crisis. Call a helpline, 9-1-1 or emergency services. If someone has recently hurt themselves, but is no longer in danger, follow Be There’s Golden Rules and connect them to resources in their area.
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